Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Kings Of Convenience, chocolate cake and serendipity

I've been keeping secrets from you...

It wasn't on purpose, and my intent wasn't malicious, so while my chocolate cake bakes in the oven I'm going to come clean.

A few months ago, I believe it was March, I was working in the library of my University. I was on the second floor using the computers by the windows to write an essay on antibiotics. I had about a million tabs open on Chrome but while the majority of them held research papers, one solitary tab was designated for the one thing able to get me through the hours spent in that library. This tab, that will now be known as Lifesaver, was open to YouTube and sweet joy-giving music was travelling from Lifesaver, through my headphones, and into my ears to deliver the sustenance that only music can provide.

I fail to remember what I was listening to at the time, but it had come to an end. I was at a loss as to what to listen to next because I had grown a bit tired of my music library. But randomly I clicked on one of the YouTube suggestions listed and found something I didn't even know I was looking for. Kings Of Convenience. I listened to Declaration of Dependence from beginning to end and fell in love. It just filled a void for kind of up(ish)beat music that was still kinda quiet and beautiful and didn't kill my brain cells.

It's funny that though Declaration of Dependence was the album that hooked me, it's not my favourite of theirs. After listening to DoD about 27 times front to back, I went and listened to their whole history of music. As is my habit with musicians that I love. So here goes, in no particular order, my 5 most favourite songs of Kings of Convenience.

1. The Build Up
Because it is awesome. And beautiful. And has Feist in it (who deserves a post on her own). And because it has that quiet brilliance that I love so much. And is slightly sad in feel which I also love. And because I have listened to it over a hundred times and it still manages to make me stop and pay attention.

2. The Passenger
Because it is also awesome. Because of that guitar riff at the end. Because of the entire guitar part that is so familiar and comforting to me. Because of the simplicity of the melody that manages to be so effective. Because the album was on and I was playing cards on my phone when I first heard this, and I paused the game to go to my music player to make sure I remembered the name of the track because it just spoke to me. Again, because of that riff at the end; I could feel every strum in my aural heart.

3. I'd Rather Dance With You
Because it is the song responsible for ridding me of all negative feelings towards anything of a pop-ish nature. Because this became my soundtrack for the last few weeks of uni. Because I would dance to this when I had to go to the lab at six o'clock in the morning. Because I would dance to this when I left the lab twelve hours later and it would make me feel happy and alive.

4. Scars on Land
Because it is the last song on DoD and every time I hear it, my heart is reminded of the feeling I had when I first listened to the album beginning to end. Profound sadness that it was over, deep gratitude for having discovered it, and a brilliant joy because I could press play and hear it all over again. Because it was such an awesome end to the album.

5. Know How
Because of the outro. Because this is another example of when an outro makes me love the song more that I normally would. Because it has Feist in it- are you recognising a pattern here? Seriously, it's all because of Feist and the outro. And Kings of Convenience of course, but mainly the outro. And Feist.

So there it is. I found Kings of Convenience by pure serendipity and fell in love. Since my chocolate cake is almost done, I'm going to leave it there. See you next Wednesday.

Rella x

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